Coursework Calculator
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Fill in 40
in the "Overall" field
The "Exam" field should now tell you how much you need in your exam to get 40% overall.
Select course:
(select a course)
acp: Applied Cloud Programming
adbs: Advanced Database Systems
ads: Algorithms and Data Structures
afds: Algorithmic Foundations of Data Science
agta: Algorithmic Game Theory and its Applications
aml: Applied Machine Learning
anlp: Accelerated Natural Language Processing
ar: Automated Reasoning
aro: Advanced Robotics
asr: Automatic Speech Recognition
bdl: Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers
card: Computer Architecture and Design
ccn: Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
ccs: Computational Cognitive Science
cdi1: Case Studies in Design Informatics 1
cggs: Computer Graphics: Geometry and Simulation
cgr: Computer Graphics: Rendering
cic: Computing in the Classroom
cns: Computational Neuroscience
comn: Computer Communications and Networks
csai: Case Studies in AI Ethics (CSAI)
csec-10: Computer Security
csec-11: Computer Security (Level 11)
ct: Compiling Techniques
cv: Computer Vision
dbba: Data-driven Business and Behaviour Analytics
diss: MSc Dissertation (Informatics)
diss-dsti-dl: Data Science, Technology and Innovation Dissertation (Distance Learning)
dmp: Discrete Mathematics and Probability
ds: Distributed Systems (Level 11)
eip: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Project
epl: Elements of Programming Languages
f-bair: Foundational Biomedical AI research
fnlp: Foundations of Natural Language Processing
hci: Human-Computer Interaction (Level 11)
iaml-dl: Introductory Applied Machine Learning (Distance Learning)
iaml-pg2: Introductory Applied Machine Learning (Semester 2)
idb: Introduction to Databases
iel-08: Informatics Experiential Learning (Level 8)
iel-10: Informatics Experiential Learning (Level 10)
ilp: Informatics Large Practical
imc: Introduction to Modern Cryptography
inf1-cg: Informatics 1 - Cognitive Science
inf1a: Informatics 1 - Introduction to Computation
inf1b: Informatics 1 - Object Oriented Programming
inf2-fds: Informatics 2 - Foundations of Data Science
inf2-iads: Informatics 2 - Introduction to Algorithms and Data Structures
inf2-sepp: Informatics 2 - Software Engineering and Professional Practice
inf2c-cs: Informatics 2C - Introduction to Computer Systems
inf2d: Informatics 2D - Reasoning and Agents
ipp: Informatics Project Proposal
ipp-dl: Informatics Project Proposal (Distance Learning)
iqc: Introduction to Quantum Computing
iqps: Introduction to Quantum Programming and Semantics
irr: Informatics Research Review
itcs: Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science
mci: Methods for Causal Inference
mcs: Modelling Concurrent Systems (Level 11)
mcs-10: Modelling Concurrent Systems (Level 10)
mdi: Masters Dissertation (Design Informatics)
mip1: MInf Project (Part 1)
mip2: MInf Project (Part 2)
mlg: Machine Learning
mlp: Machine Learning Practical
mlpr: Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition
mls: Machine Learning Systems
mlsp100: Machine Learning Systems Project (100 credits)
mlsp60: Machine Learning Systems Project (60 credits)
mlsp80: Machine Learning Systems Project (80 credits)
mlt: Machine Learning Theory
mob: Introduction to Mobile Robotics
moss: Modelling of Systems for Sustainability
nat-dl: Natural Computing (Distance Learning)
nlp-aip: Applied Interdisciplinary Project
nlp-iep: Individual Exploratory Project
nlp-rr: Researching Responsible and Trustworthy Natural Language Processing
nlu-11: Natural Language Understanding, Generation, and Machine Translation
os: Operating Systems
pbi: Programming for Biomedical Informatics
pdiot: Principles and Design of IoT Systems
pdss: Programming for Data Science at Scale
pi: Professional Issues (Level 10)
ppls: Parallel Programming Languages and Systems (Level 11)
proj: Honours Project (Informatics)
psml: Privacy and Security with Machine Learning
qcs: Quantum Cyber Security
qigp: Quantum Informatics Group Project
qipo: Quantum Informatics Practical Orientation
rl: Reinforcement Learning
rmfc: Research Methods in Financial Computing
savm: Simulation, Analysis, and Validation of Computational Models
scm: Seminar in Cognitive Modelling
sdm: Software Design and Modelling
sdp: System Design Project
sp: Secure Programming
st: Software Testing
tbi: Topics in Biomedical Informatics
thf: The Human Factor: Working with Users
tspl: Types and Semantics for Programming Languages
ttds: Text Technologies for Data Science
usec: Usable Security and Privacy
Weighting (select course above to fill this in)
Targets (lock one, fill other two)
Last updated from : 2024-08-26T19:15:51.963018
Don't forget to visit drps to double check the cw/exam weighting and
check for any additional assessment info (such as a requirement to pass the exam)