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General Edit on GitHub
ADS - Algorithms and Data Structures | drps, info, papers December exam Edit on GitHub
- See shared drive for some unofficial solutions.
- An unofficial set of programming assignments based on the ADS material - website
- Sorting algorithms 1 - interactive
- Sorting algorithms 2 - website
- Counting sort - interactive
- A video clearly demonstrating the Counting Sort (as it’s not in the above link, and Mary’s notes don’t make it easy) - video
- Prim’s Algorithm - interactive
- Kruskal’s Algorithm - interactive
- Longest Common Subsequence - animation
- Network Flow - interactive
- Graham’s Scan - interactive
- Dynamic Programming - Tushar Roy explains a few examples really well on YouTube
AR - Automated Reasoning | drps, info, papers December exam Edit on GitHub
- 2010 solutions on Drive
- May 2012,
CARD - Computer Architecture and Design | drps, info, papers December exam Edit on GitHub
- Past papers and solutions (see ‘unorganised’ folder)
- Stan’s summary - link
- All lecture slides in one pdf
CCS - Computational Cognitive Science | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub
CS - Computer Security Edit on GitHub
- August 2010 answers
- May 2010 answers
- This explains BLP and AB much better than the slides: i93lbacm(org).pdf
- Some really great explanations of concepts in the course (Crypto, PK, RSA, Diffie-Hellman):
- Stefi’s Quizlet (23/24)
- Revision notes by Ben Shaw
- Running 2nd CW locally (on Ubuntu):
- Copy folder
- Follow instruction at
- Modify your
, the location to QEMU should be something like/usr/bin/kvm
- Install vinagre:
sudo apt install vinagre
- Copy folder
- Iptables essentials
- Wireshark:
- The “Packet List” pane in Wireshark (see Table 3.15. for what the lines on the side mean)
- Convert IP addresses into hostnames (Edit - Preferences - Name Resolution)
- FTP:
- A walkthrough through FTP passive mode, by manually reading every single packet
- List of raw FTP commands
- Difference between FTP active and passive mode
- tip: read it carefully, not just the bullet points. the picture is useful too.
- tip: for some reason, in active mode, the source data port is not 20 (in the coursework)
- How to test FTP active mode:
- Run
ftp alice
- Type
as username, press enter, typealice
as password. - Type
get meow.jpg
- meow.jpg should be downloaded & it should say “please consider using passive mode”
- Run
- Software Security
- return-to-libc.pdf
- Return-to-libc tutorial
- buffer overflow attacks (computerphile)
EPL - Elements of Programming Languages | drps, info, papers December exam Edit on GitHub
- Unofficial past paper solutions can be found in the EPL folder in the Team Drive.
- Stefi’s Quizlet (23/24)
IAML - Introductory Applied Machine Learning Edit on GitHub
- See shared drive for some unofficial solutions.
- An amazing online course at Caltech by Yaser Abu-Mostafa - link
- A very detailed yet simple visual explanation of PCA, applied to a real-world scenario (on
) - Clearer (than our slides) explanation of SVMs
- Visual explanations of ML and Linear Algebra concepts
- A good explanation of Information Gain and Entropy
- Examinable topics summary - Having analysed IAML exam papers from 2012 to date, here is the summary of topic covered.
- To help with the understanding of topics that come across more often than others, score = frequency of occurance, expressed as % over 12
- Student notes:
IDB - Introduction to Databases | drps, info, papers December exam Edit on GitHub
Previously named Database Systems (DBS)
- Questions and answers from the DBS textbook - link
- Normalization tool
- Revision notes by Ben Shaw
- Functional dependency closure / key finder / minimal cover / 3NF & BCNF checker tool (source)
- Relational algebra calculator / engine, example schema definition for tutorial 1
- Exam tips:
- Don’t forget semicolons, they will knock marks off for this!
- They want to see efficient solutions!
- Derivation using the Armstrong’s axioms: all steps and axioms in your derivation should be clearly mentioned
- It’s also worth understanding that there could be multiple correct proofs for a given implication so detailed explanations would make it easier for marker
- Relational algebra questions: consider how your answer behaves when certain relations are empty (tutorial 1, question 3)
- Relational algebra FAQ:
- Operations only return unique tuples. That means if you project on a single column, each row will be unique. This is because (definition) “Relations (tables) are sets of records of the same length”
- easily consumable stuff by b0rk:
- SQL to XXX FAQ (for those with experience in SQL/NoSQL)
- Relational algebra:
- Unknowns /
is represented asNULL
in SQL,unknown = unknown
is reallyNULL = NULL
,- all comparisons where at least one of the arguments is
, evaluates to unknown (which, again, isNULL
ILP - Informatics Large Practical learn | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub
- Mapbox:
- Show a user’s location (tutorial), Showing device location (location component docs)
- User management tutorial
- Bora M. Alper’s ILP Visualiser
ITCS - Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science | drps, info, papers December exam Edit on GitHub
- ITCS concepts (from Julian’s guide!) - Here
- Tutorial notes - Here (Shared GDrive) (original page: link)
- Some useful definitions and proofs - link
IVR - Introduction to Vision and Robotics Edit on GitHub
- Official exam papers and solutions
- Collaborative answers to short questions
- Sample solution for 2011 August - link
- Sample vision MATLAB code from previous years
PI - Professional Issues | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub
SP - Speech Processing Edit on GitHub
Answers to multiple choice for past papers here.