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Better Informatics has launched BetterInformatics File Collection to replace the shared Drive:
Please use it for your studies and contribute!
We are also actively looking for people to help maintain BetterInformatics services. Chat with us on Discord or email!
General Edit on GitHub
- Facebook Group Chat
- Year 4 Google Drive
- mailing list archives - ug4-students
- Useful YouTube channel for MLPR / PMR / IT / IAML / DME
Honours Project | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub
- You can manage citations with JabRef or Zotero
- Use DBLP to generate .bib citations over Google Scholar
- Write your Intro, Conclusion and Abstract last — your project might change by the time you’ve written everything else.
- Abstract: The advertisement for your paper. You want to start with a very general scope and narrow down to specifics very quickly. Don’t use jargon. Do flex your results.
- Introduction: Similar in that you want to be general, but you have more space. You need to talk about the Motivation, Objective, Contribution and Organisation.
- Conclusion: An overview of the project and your results. You’ll want to have “Critical evaluation of own work” in here and also discuss how the project has helped you (the latter isn’t in the marking scheme however was advised to include this).
- Ask your supervisor if you can use “I” and what tense to use. My supervisor banned “I” and mandated past tense, YMMV. You probably want to avoid 2nd person (you) and use “one” instead.
- Find some linter or other tool to check the LaTeX you have written before submission. There are a bunch of small things you can do to make things render nicely: for example, ``quote’’ instead of “quote”,
instead of —, etc. - You can use
which will expand toChapter \ref{chapter-introduction}
- If you are writing a MInf2 thesis, refer to the first part as “Part One”
- Outstanding undergraduate projects - Recent dissertations which have scored 80% and above.
- A Template-based Model for Automatic Image Description (2014), feedback, with Mirella Lapata (83%)
- WILDEBEAST: A webservice for real time characterisation of infectious disease epidemics, supervised by Andrew Rambaut (80%)
You do not need to get your thesis bound for submission. However you may want a nice printed copy of your thesis as a record of your hard work or it makes a nice gift for your parents. The University Printing Services will hardback bind your thesis with gold foil lettering on the spine for £19 + 0.05(# b&w pages) + 0.4(# colour pages).
Formatting your thesis for binding:
- If you want two sided printing, add
to your options - The default top margin is 2cm and the bottom is 4cm, I think it looks nicer with
which is set in infthesis.cls - Use a linter like to make sure you’re doing LaTeX good
If you have done a two-part MInf, it is preferable to have both parts of your MInf in the same book. The best way to do this is to duplicate one of your parts and copy the Introduction to your Conclusion of the other one into it. You will most likely need to fix a bunch of errors with bibliography entries needing to be copied over or adding \usepackage
statements. Then you can add \part{Title of Part 1}
and \part{Title of Part 2}
before each respective part so that the table of contents is formatted properly. You will then need to think of a new title for the project as a whole for the \title{}
and merge the abstracts and acknowledgement sections.
- For two-part MInf, override the submityear with the years that you did the project in infthesis.cls like so
\gdef\@submityear{2020 -- 2022}
ADBS | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
- Official past exams and solutions by Samuel G. (up to 2010)
- ADBS-2013-solutions
- ADBS-2012-solutions
- ADBS-2011-solutions
AFDS | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
AGTA | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
AV Edit on GitHub
- May 2010 Answers
- May 2011 Solutions (in progress)
- May 2012 Solutions (in progress)
- May 2013 Solutions (in progress)
- May 2014 Solutions (in progress)
- All 2014 Slides in one pdf (in roughly the right order)
- Short Question Answers
CAV Edit on GitHub
CG - Computer Graphics Edit on GitHub
- Build a ray tracer from scratch (
CN Edit on GitHub
COPT Edit on GitHub
- 2014 exam
- 2012 exam
- 2011 exam
- Stan’s scanned notes. And some revision notes (mostly the lectures slides in word form).
- Outline of lecture slides (topics)
- Denali. OSE. Learning to schedule. LRPD.
EXC - Extreme Computing Edit on GitHub
- All Lecture Slides in one PDF (2012/2013), (2014/2015)
- Exam/Solutions
- Good page on trap and emulate » Cached Copy with Comments Enabled
- Approximate Frequency Counts over Data Streams: paper, slides
- Revision notes - Started by Stefan Adamov
- Revision Notes - Mark Nemec on Github
- Docker + Pig setup, this allows to easily execute examples from Tutorials point
- Additional Resources:
- MIT’s Distributed Systems Course - Has good notes & labs on GFS, MapReduce, etc.
IAR Edit on GitHub
May 2013, May 2012, May 2011, May 2010
IMC - Introduction to Modern Cryptography | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
MLP - Machine Learning Practical | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub
MT Edit on GitHub
PA Edit on GitHub
PM Edit on GitHub
PPLS | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
RC Edit on GitHub
- Some notes on content <– formulas, algorithms, some proofs
- May 2013
SAPM Edit on GitHub
Security Engineering Edit on GitHub
New course in 2022
TTDS - Text Technologies in Data Science | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
Called Text Technologies (TTS) until 2015
There are some “hidden” formulas about LSH error probabilities in the lectures.
An overall studyguide for TTS 2013-2014: all lecture slides summarized added things from notabene, said in lecture, and just figured out by Sophia.
Topic history
Exam | Question 1 | Question 2 | Question 3 |
2019 May | Knowledge | Retrieval Models & Web | IR Evaluation |
2018 May* | Knowledge | Retrieval Models | IR Evaluation & PageRank |
2017 December* | Knowledge | Retrieval Models | IR Evaluation |
2015 May* | Retrieval Models | Evaluation | PageRank & HITS |