New Service!
Better Informatics has launched BetterInformatics File Collection to replace the shared Drive:
Please use it for your studies and contribute!
We are also actively looking for people to help maintain BetterInformatics services. Chat with us on Discord or email!
General guide, mailing list archives Edit on GitHub
- Honours hurdles: refer to your DRPS programme
- InfBase: a drop in helpdesk for you to get additional tutoring and support with your courses. See the schedule here - there’s no need to sign up, just drop in
INF2D - Reasoning and Agents | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
50% closed book exam, 30% across two courseworks, 20% tutorial / engagement. Pass: 40% overall
- MCQ Question Cache
- Quizlet
- Stefi’s Quizlet (22-23)
- Python implementation of algorithms from Russell And Norvig’s “Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach”
- Alpha-Beta pruning interactive example
- Another AB pruning example - allowing you to create your own tree
- Video on a-B pruning
- Good set of video lectures on most things covered in the course
- Breadth first search & depth first search
- PDDL Reference
- Bora M. Alper’s PDDL Companion - syntax check and plan PDDL from your terminal
- Bora M. Alper’s Lecture Notes (2019)
INF2-FDS - Foundations of Data Science | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
(New course: Details are sparse. Please contribute!)
50% coursework, 50% exam.
- General Reading
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig
- Computational and Inferential Thinking by Ani Adhikari and John DeNero
- An Introduction to Data Ethics by Shannon Vallor et al.
- Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications by Devore & Berk
- Basic Tutorials
- Cheatsheets
- Course Notes
- NotAllThingsFDS_w1w9 (2021-2022, Semester 1)
INF2-IADS - Intro to Algorithms and Data Structures | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
- Introduction to ADS (gitbook, non inf)
- Amazing interactive examples from from USFCA
- Wikibook covering most of the stuff we are doing
Karatsuba Multiplication in 13 minutes (video, watchable at 1.25x)- Unofficial Past Paper Solutions
- Course Notes INF2B - Algorithms (2018)
- Community Solutions to CLRS (4th ed.)
- Stefi’s Quizlet (22/23)
- For all things iads: Abdul Bari
INF2B - Learning Edit on GitHub
75% closed book exam, 25% across two courseworks. Pass: 40% overall.
- What is a neural network? (3blue1brown)
- Using neural nets to recognise handwritten digits
- Revision Formulae for Learning Thread (pdf) (LaTex)
- Learning notes (2017-18) by Edwin Onuonga (html, pdf)
Missing: perceptrons, single-layer and double-layer neural networks sections - Pearson Correlation Coefficient
- MATLAB for use at home (free)
- Installing GNU Octave on macOS (much lighter than MATLAB)
- NumPy: quickstart tutorial
- Example Lab using numpy, scipy, pandas, and matplotlib: Similarity and recommender systems
- Why can’t I paste using Ctrl+V in MatLab??? - The default settings are odd. Go to Preferences -> MATLAB -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts, change Emacs Default Set to Windows Default Set.
- Run MATLAB scripts from the command line
- Inf2B File Checker
- Intuition of the relation between PCA and eigenvectors (useful for 2019 coursework)
- Relevant bits from Vision processing at Stanford:
- Interactive veronoi knn explorer
- Interactive SVM examples, similar to discriminant functions
- Linear classifiers the content seems to better explain the lectures on NN and discriminant functions