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Exams | official list
General guide, mailing list archives Edit on GitHub
- Honours hurdles: refer to your DRPS programme
- InfBase: a drop in helpdesk for you to get additional tutoring and support with your courses. See the schedule here - there’s no need to sign up, just drop in
INF2D - Reasoning and Agents | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
50% closed book exam, 30% across two courseworks, 20% tutorial / engagement. Pass: 40% overall
- MCQ Question Cache
- Quizlet
- Stefi’s Quizlet (22-23)
- Python implementation of algorithms from Russell And Norvig’s “Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach”
- Alpha-Beta pruning interactive example
- Another AB pruning example - allowing you to create your own tree
- Video on a-B pruning
- Good set of video lectures on most things covered in the course
- Breadth first search & depth first search
- PDDL Reference
- Bora M. Alper’s PDDL Companion - syntax check and plan PDDL from your terminal
- Bora M. Alper’s Lecture Notes (2019)
INF2-FDS - Foundations of Data Science | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
(New course: Details are sparse. Please contribute!)
50% coursework, 50% exam.
- General Reading
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig
- Computational and Inferential Thinking by Ani Adhikari and John DeNero
- An Introduction to Data Ethics by Shannon Vallor et al.
- Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications by Devore & Berk
- Basic Tutorials
- Cheatsheets
- Course Notes
- NotAllThingsFDS_w1w9 (2021-2022, Semester 1)
INF2-IADS - Intro to Algorithms and Data Structures | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
- Introduction to ADS (gitbook, non inf)
- Amazing interactive examples from from USFCA
- Wikibook covering most of the stuff we are doing
Karatsuba Multiplication in 13 minutes (video, watchable at 1.25x)- Unofficial Past Paper Solutions
- Course Notes INF2B - Algorithms (2018)
- Community Solutions to CLRS (4th ed.)
- Stefi’s Quizlet (22/23)
- For all things iads: Abdul Bari
INF2B - Learning Edit on GitHub
75% closed book exam, 25% across two courseworks. Pass: 40% overall.
- What is a neural network? (3blue1brown)
- Using neural nets to recognise handwritten digits
- Revision Formulae for Learning Thread (pdf) (LaTex)
- Learning notes (2017-18) by Edwin Onuonga (html, pdf)
Missing: perceptrons, single-layer and double-layer neural networks sections - Pearson Correlation Coefficient
- MATLAB for use at home (free)
- Installing GNU Octave on macOS (much lighter than MATLAB)
- NumPy: quickstart tutorial
- Example Lab using numpy, scipy, pandas, and matplotlib: Similarity and recommender systems
- Why can’t I paste using Ctrl+V in MatLab??? - The default settings are odd. Go to Preferences -> MATLAB -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts, change Emacs Default Set to Windows Default Set.
- Run MATLAB scripts from the command line
- Inf2B File Checker
- Intuition of the relation between PCA and eigenvectors (useful for 2019 coursework)
- Relevant bits from Vision processing at Stanford:
- Interactive veronoi knn explorer
- Interactive SVM examples, similar to discriminant functions
- Linear classifiers the content seems to better explain the lectures on NN and discriminant functions