New Service!
Better Informatics has launched BetterInformatics File Collection to replace the shared Drive:
Please use it for your studies and contribute!
We are also actively looking for people to help maintain BetterInformatics services. Chat with us on Discord or email!
General handbook Edit on GitHub
don’t stress yourself out too much, first year doesn’t count towards your degree
- LaundryView
- Common Outside Course Options for Informatics Students
- Year 1 Google Drive
- mailing list archives - ug1-students
- if you have a learning disability go to the disability service! make sure you go there long before the exams, it only takes few hours and can help you quite a bit.
- Programming Club
- InfBase: a drop in helpdesk for you to get additional tutoring and support with your courses. See the schedule here - there’s no need to sign up, just drop in
Calculus and its Applications drps Edit on GitHub
- Fox’s notes (src)
- Cheat sheet PDFs of the definitions and theorems to save you time in the exam (no need to search through the textbook)
- SympyGamma - a tool similar to WolframAlpha, but also offering explanation for derivations.
- Answers for Essential calculus
- Riemann sums online calculator
- Lots of formulae
- Amazing mindmap
- Tests of Convergence: cheat sheet, flow chart
- Not All Things CAP - better cap cheat sheet
Cognitive Science | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub
- Book about neural networks - recommended by the lecturer
- 3Blue1Brown - really clear videos explaining neural networks and backprop
- Visualising Clustering - video from Google
- Deduction vs Induction
- Word learning models - concept map with key ideas
- Amazing flash cards - key definitions
- Full course notes and posters - 2018
Priority reading list
All of the readings are examinable, but if you want to prioritise, here is the recommended order:
- Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7 of Pinker’s “Words and Rules”, minus places where there’s no relevance to lecture content
- Chapter 4 of Harley’s “Psychology of Language”
- Any academic paper covering something you’re not sure you fully understand. For example, if you’re not 100% clear on perceptrons, have a look at the Gurney reading
Object Oriented Programming | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub
- Online book
- Enable auto complete on Eclipse
- Past papers, and their additional files
- Some past paper answers
- Automarker service - use this to mark your past papers
- Lambda functions tutorial
Proofs and Problem Solving Edit on GitHub
- Printable notes with all of the course material
- Twelvefold way for combinatorics problems.
- Learning how to use sagemath may come in handy for checking your answers in later parts of the course (especially for modular arithmetic and permutations)
- The course will follow the book A Concise Introduction to Pure Mathematics, by Martin Liebeck, 4th Ed. 015, CRC Press, £25.99
- To pass the course you must achieve an average of more than 40% AND at least 40% in the examination.
- Cheatsheet with all the notations, definitions, theorems, propositions, and examples from the textbook (condensed into 38 pages) grouped by sections: pdf, source