Better Informatics - Masters


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Better Informatics has launched BetterInformatics File Collection to replace the shared Drive:

Please use it for your studies and contribute!

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General handbook Edit on GitHub

don’t stress yourself out too much, first year doesn’t count towards your degree

General guide, mailing list archives Edit on GitHub

General Edit on GitHub

General Edit on GitHub

General Edit on GitHub

Honours Project | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub


You do not need to get your thesis bound for submission. However you may want a nice printed copy of your thesis as a record of your hard work or it makes a nice gift for your parents. The University Printing Services will hardback bind your thesis with gold foil lettering on the spine for £19 + 0.05(# b&w pages) + 0.4(# colour pages).

Formatting your thesis for binding:

If you have done a two-part MInf, it is preferable to have both parts of your MInf in the same book. The best way to do this is to duplicate one of your parts and copy the Introduction to your Conclusion of the other one into it. You will most likely need to fix a bunch of errors with bibliography entries needing to be copied over or adding \usepackage statements. Then you can add \part{Title of Part 1} and \part{Title of Part 2} before each respective part so that the table of contents is formatted properly. You will then need to think of a new title for the project as a whole for the \title{} and merge the abstracts and acknowledgement sections.

INF2D - Reasoning and Agents | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

50% closed book exam, 30% across two courseworks, 20% tutorial / engagement. Pass: 40% overall

ADBS | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

AFDS Edit on GitHub

AGTA | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

AR - Automated Reasoning Edit on GitHub

AV Edit on GitHub

BIO2 Edit on GitHub


CAV Edit on GitHub

CG - Computer Graphics Edit on GitHub

CN Edit on GitHub

COMN - Computer Communications and Networks | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

COPT Edit on GitHub

CS - Computer Security Edit on GitHub

CT - Compiling Techniques piazza | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub

Calculus and its Applications drps Edit on GitHub

Cognitive Science | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub

Priority reading list

All of the readings are examinable, but if you want to prioritise, here is the recommended order:

DAPA Edit on GitHub

The course textbook (“Introduction to Parallel Computing”) is available online on Safari, for free. You have to log in with your university credentials.

DME Edit on GitHub

The discussion of papers on

2015 Paper Discussions Here

DS Edit on GitHub

May 2014, May 2013, May 2012 April 2011

Aggregated solutions to questions from 2009-2012 combined here

We’ve started some notes on the course content, they can be found here.

Tree mapping to the slides here.

E-learning Edit on GitHub

FNLP - Foundations of Natural Language Processing | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

IAML - Introductory Applied Machine Learning Edit on GitHub

IAR Edit on GitHub

May 2013, May 2012, May 2011, May 2010

Revision notes 2014 - collective effort

Revision notes

IMC - Introduction to Modern Cryptography | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

INF2-FDS - Foundations of Data Science | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub

(New course: Details are sparse. Please contribute!)

50% coursework, 50% exam.

INF2-IADS - Intro to Algorithms and Data Structures | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

INF2B - Learning Edit on GitHub

75% closed book exam, 25% across two courseworks. Pass: 40% overall.


IVR - Introduction to Vision and Robotics Edit on GitHub

Jobs Edit on GitHub

MLP - Machine Learning Practical | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub

MT Edit on GitHub

NIP Edit on GitHub

NLU Edit on GitHub

OS - Operating Systems | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

Buddy system

Object Oriented Programming | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub

PA Edit on GitHub

PM Edit on GitHub

May 2014, May 2013, May 2012, May 2011, May 2010

PMR | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

Exam + Solutions:

PPLS | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

Proofs and Problem Solving Edit on GitHub

RC Edit on GitHub

RL | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

RL Algorithm Map - Which algorithm should you choose? Photo, DrawIO

Exam papers:

Note: There are more papers, directly access them from Better Informatics Google Drive.

SAPM Edit on GitHub

SDP - System Design Project | drps, info None exam Edit on GitHub

Security Engineering | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

New course in 2022

Self Care Edit on GitHub

TTDS - Text Technologies in Data Science | drps, info, papers April/May exam Edit on GitHub

Called Text Technologies (TTS) until 2015

Crowdsourced solutions

There are some “hidden” formulas about LSH error probabilities in the lectures.

An overall studyguide for TTS 2013-2014: all lecture slides summarized added things from notabene, said in lecture, and just figured out by Sophia.

Topic history

* means that this has ALL THREE OPTIONAL QUESTIONS

Exam Question 1 Question 2 Question 3
2019 May Knowledge Retrieval Models & Web IR Evaluation
2018 May* Knowledge Retrieval Models IR Evaluation & PageRank
2017 December* Knowledge Retrieval Models IR Evaluation
2015 May* Retrieval Models Evaluation PageRank & HITS

Technical Edit on GitHub

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